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Wasiat al-Banna ke-3, berusahalah berbahasa Arab dengan fasih

Berusahalah seberapa daya upaya untuk bertutur dalam Bahasa Arab yang betul. Hasan al-Banna.

Asy-Syahid Imam Hasan al-Banna dalam wasiatnya yang ketiga meminta kita dapat mempelajari dan berusaha keras memahami bahasa Arab. Kenapakah pentingnya umat Islam memahami bahasa Arab dengan fasih itu?

Berikut, kami paparkan kepentingan bahasa Arab sebagai yang disebutkan dalam al-Quran.
012 � Yusuf [1] Alif, Laam, Raa'. Ini ialah ayat-ayat Kitab Al-Quran yang menyatakan kebenaran. [2] Sesungguhnya Kami menurunkan kitab itu sebagai Quran yang dibaca dengan bahasa Arab, supaya kamu (menggunakan akal untuk) memahaminya.

Ar-Ra�du [37] Dan demikianlah Kami menurunkan Al-Quran sebagai hukum dalam bahasa Arab. Dan demi sesungguhnya, jika engkau (wahai Muhammad) menurut kehendak hawa nafsu mereka sesudah datangnya kepadamu wahyu pengetahuan (tentang kebenaran), maka tiadalah engkau peroleh dari Allah sesuatupun yang dapat mengawal dan memberi perlindungan kepadamu (dari perkara-perkara yang tidak diingini).

An-Nahl [103] Dan demi sesungguhnya Kami mengetahui, bahawa mereka yang musyrik itu berkata: " Sebenarnya dia diajar oleh seorang manusia". (Padahal) bahasa orang yang mereka sandarkan tuduhan kepadanya itu ialah bahasa asing, sedang Al- Quran ini berbahasa Arab yang fasih nyata.

Taha [113] Dan demikianlah Kami telah menurunkan Al-Quran sebagai bacaan dalam bahasa Arab, dan kami telah terangkan di dalamnya berbagai-bagai amaran supaya mereka (umat manusia seluruhnya) bertaqwa, atau mereka mendapat daripadanya sesuatu peringatan dari faedah mereka.

Asy-Syu'araa' [195] (Ia diturunkan) dengan bahasa Arab yang fasih serta terang nyata.
Az-Zumar [27] Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah mengemukakan kepada umat manusia berbagai misal perbandingan dalam Al-Quran ini, supaya mereka mengambil peringatan dan pelajaran. [28] laitu Al-Quran yang berbahasa Arab, yang tidak mengandungi sebarang keterangan yang terpesong; supaya mereka bertaqwa.

Fussilat [1] Haa, Miim [2] Turunnya Kitab ini dari Allah Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani. [3] Sebuah Kitab yang dijelaskan ayat-ayatnya satu persatu; iaitu Al-Quran yang diturunkan dalam bahasa Arab bagi faedah orang-orang yang mengambil tahu dan memahami kandungannya.

Asy-Syuura [7] Dan sebagaimana Kami tetapkan engkau hanya penyampai, Kami wahyukan kepadamu Al-Quran dalam bahasa Arab, supaya engkau memberi peringatan dan amaran kepada (penduduk) "Ummul-Qura" dan sekalian penduduk dunia di sekelilingnya, serta memberi peringatan dan amaran mengenai hari perhimpunan (hari kiamat) - yang tidak ada syak tentang masa datangnya; (pada hari itu) sepuak masuk Syurga dan sepuak lagi masuk neraka.

Az-Zukhruf [1] Haa, Miim. [2] Demi Kitab Al-Quran yang menyatakan kebenaran. [3] Sesungguhnya Kami jadikan Kitab itu sebagai Quran yang diturunkan dengan bahasa Arab, supaya kamu (menggunakan akal) memahaminya.

Al-Ahqaaf [12] (Bagaimana mereka tergamak mengatakan Al-Quran ini rekaan dusta yang telah lama?) Pada hal telah ada sebelumnya Kitab Nabi Musa yang menjadi ikutan dan rahmat (kepada umatnya); dan Al-Quran pula sebuah Kitab - yang mengesahkan kebenaran (kitab-kitab yang telah lalu), - diturunkan dalam bahasa Arab untuk memberi amaran kepada orang-orang yang zalim, dan berita gembira bagi orangorang yang berbuat kebaikan.
Yusuf [1] Alif, Laam, Raa'. Ini ialah ayat-ayat Kitab Al-Quran yang menyatakan kebenaran. [2] Sesungguhnya Kami menurunkan kitab itu sebagai Quran yang dibaca dengan bahasa Arab, supaya kamu (menggunakan akal untuk) memahaminya.


15 pintu syaitan yang ada didalam diri kita

- pintu marah
- cinta dunia
- kebodohan (keengganan menghadiri majlis ilmu)
- panjang angan-angan
- rakus
- bakhil
- suka pada pujian
- riak
- ujub (merasa kagum)
- takut dan gelisah
- buruk sangka
- memandang rendah pada orang lain
- merasa suka pada dosa
- merasa aman daripada pembalasan “ALLAH”
- putus asa daripada rahmat “ALLAH”

15 Senjata Menghalang Syaitan

- Membaca Bismillah (menjadi kunci pada perbuatan baik)
- Banyakkan bezikir
- Banyakan Beristigfar
- Baca “la i’ la ha illa anta subha naka inni kuntu minaz zoli min”
- Jangan tidur berseorangan
- Baca doa pagi dan petang
- Bersugi
- Melaksanakan solat jemaah
- Berwudhuk sebelum tidur
- menutup aurat
- Membaca doa masuk tandas.
- Banyak berselawat pada hati
- Bertaubat, beristighfar
- Banyakan baca Al-Quran
- Membaca surah Yassin setiap pagi

Rumah yang Tidak Dimasuki syaitan

- Rumah yang bersih
- Penghuni membaca “Bismillah” ketika memasuki rumah
- Sentiasa berzikir (ahli rumah menegakkan solat)
- Penghuninya jujur dan memenuhi janji
- Penghuninya memakan makanan yang halal (dan cara mendapatkannya halal)
- Penghuninya mengekalkan silaturahim (sentiasa mesra)
- Rumah yang penghuninya berbakti kepada Ibu Bapa

The City

Even though it was terrific to be born in an age where comic-fiction, robots and even shiny white spaceships were coming true, it was odd how the human spirit still seemed as deep and mysterious as the vastly uncharted universe itself – and equally as borderless. So, setting out with great hope to find the secret source of happiness and success, I began my journey to the centre of the unknown. There were certainly lots of puzzles to solve.

Like a lot of kids, I had many questions that could not be easily answered. Looking enquiringly around at this wild new world into which I had landed, the road of life was obviously not without certain pitfalls and dangers; the Second World War had just ended and millions of people had been killed - but for what? Sometimes, staring out of the window into the vastness of the deep black night I would wonder, 'Where does the sky end?' The thought of death frightened me. 'What came afterwards?' My mind could not penetrate beyond the veil of darkness. Was I alone?

"In the blackness of the night"

In the blackness of the night
I seem to wander endlessly
With a hope burning out deep inside
I'm a fugitive; community has driven me out
For this bad, bad world I’m beginning to doubt
I'm alone and there is no one by my side
In the blackness of the night
I see a shadow passing by
From the heels of an old soldier boy.
There's no compromising
And his eyes are black as the sky
For this bad, bad world he is going to die.
He's alone and there is no one by his side
In the blackness of the night
I see a sparkle of a star
From the sweet silver tear of a child
And she's clutching at a photograph of long, long ago
When her parents were happy she was too young to know
She's alone and there is no one by her side
I'm alone and there is no one by my side
In the blackness of the night
I seem to wander endlessly
With a hope burning out deep inside
I'm a fugitive; community has driven me out
For this bad, bad world I’m beginning to doubt
I'm alone, and there is no one by my side

But now behold, in the quick forge, and working house of thought, how London doth pour out her citizens

(William Shakespeare)
Like galaxies, bright and sparkling with life, for me, it was like that being born at the heart of London’s Theatre district, the West End, a sort of ‘fantasy land’ full of coffee bars, shops, theatres and cinemas. Observing the world was like looking through a store window, glittering with stardust. At one end of my road stood Piccadilly’s Eros, a symbol of that whirling, colourful scene of vibrant activity. Opportunities were all around me.

Perhaps, like most new-borns starting out in life, I felt I was the centre of the universe. But there were serious problems facing me. My identity was still rather unclear: my Father was from Cyprus, my Mother was from Sweden, and our dominant culture at home was British. To add to that, my mother was originally from a Baptist background, my Father was Greek Orthodox, and I went to a local Roman Catholic School in Drury Lane. So I was forced very early on to be open-minded.

I remember looking at the choices given to me. Religion was constantly making me feel guilty, warning me about immorality and dangers of this fleshly life. These were represented in clear pictorial terms by the Devil, depicted with two horns; the temptation of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit; and Jesus suffering on the Cross, representing the key to salvation. But balancing those kinds of fearful images with the zappy, fun-filled entertainment that was taking place outside the doors of the Church, well…the centre of the universe for me was not in Religion - it was probably closer to the city streets and arcades.

"Lovely city when do you laugh?"

Lovely city, when do you laugh?
Stoney people, what do you have?
Well, you ride around on a bright shiny cloud
And you think that you've found true happiness
There's no method in your mind
And your tempers are kind
Is it too much to ask to give it a rest?
Lovely city, when do you laugh?
Stoney people, what do you have?
I'm a part of you, you don't wanna be
I'm an unexpected visitor who's dropped in for tea
But I’m not so low you don't even know that I’m here
You can't even see
Lovely city, when do you laugh?
Stoney people, what do you have?

My father was a hard-working man; at the end of every day, he would stand at the café’s old baroque till, counting the pounds, pennies and halfpennies. He taught us the value of having enough food on the table and discouraged waste. Dad had come a long way from his native village, Tala, situated on a hill overlooking the ancient coastal city of Paphos in Southern Cyprus. He grew up in a household where even a pair of shoes was considered a luxury, but my father was never ashamed of his humble background. 'Money doesn't grow on trees!' he never tired of reminding us.

Dad gave me a job in the Restaurant after school as a waiter, so I learnt to earn my pocket money from the tips given by customers. It was also here that I first realised - like my father must have done - that serving the public well can often be highly rewarding.

“And they've been working all day, all day, all day!”

Up at eight, you can't be late
For Matthew & son, he won't wait.
Watch them run down to platform one
And the eight-thirty train to Matthew & son.
Matthew & son, the work's never done,
there's always something new.
The files in your head, you take them to bed,
you're never ever through.
And they've been working all day, all day, all day!
There's a five-minute break and that's all you take,
For a cup of cold coffee and a piece of cake.
Matthew & son, the work's never done,
there's always something new.
The files in your head, you take them to bed,
you're never ever through.
And they've been working all day, all day, all day!
He's got people who've been working for fifty years
No one asks for more money cuz nobody cares
Even though they're pretty low and their rent's in arrears
Matthew & son, Matthew & son,
Matthew & son, Matthew & son,
And they've been working all day, all day, all day!

Rise above time and space, pass by the world, and be yourself your own world.
My best friend, Andy, and I would often play together around the bombed ruins that littered parts of the city, frequently strewn with broken glass, mud and smashed bricks. But our favourite escapade was to go out late evenings and dangerously scale the local buildings, climbing high up onto the rooftops. From those heights we'd gaze at the noisy city below, undeclared secret champions of London's skyline.

Everything in this society was geared towards 'making it'. The American image of the good life was projected everywhere: films and television were just flooding in. The emphasis was to be on top: get rich, be young, healthy, wealthy and street-wise. Indeed I was - and roof-wise as well! I wanted to be an artist, a cartoonist. Then I found out that Van Gogh, one of my favourite painters, died poor and earless, and I realised that perhaps this wasn’t quite the life for me. There was a need for something a little bit more instant – a fast track.

Suddenly there came the big music boom of Merseyside and the Beatles - British Pop had arrived. Gravity had shifted; it was now in U.K. Suddenly there was a big window of opportunity for us youngsters. So I picked up a guitar, chose the name Cat Stevens, and started writing. It wasn't long before I had my first couple of hit records; my name and photo was splashed all over the media and I was on the road - at the grand old age of eighteen!

“The view from the top can be oh, so very lonely?”

The view from the top can be oh so very lonely
And you can be missing such a lot that could be yours
Why can't I stop forgetting myself?
Why am I always trying to be like somebody else
Why can't I love you?
Why bother flying high above you
I know where you are
The view from the top can be oh so very lonely
And you can be missin' such a lot that could be yours
And who's going to miss me?
There’ll only be myself to blame
You know I'd love to hold you tight
And love you all the night
But I don't even know my name
Why can't I stop forgetting myself?
Why am I always trying to be like somebody else?
Why can't I love you?
Why bother flying high above you
I know where you are
The view from the top can be oh so very lonely
And you can be missin' such a lot that could be yours

Azan dilaung tepat detik 12 malam di Kelantan

KOTA BHARU, 1 Jan (Hrkh) - Kebiasaannya sambutan tahun baru dihiasi dengan nyanyian artis dan letupan bunga api, namun lain pula apa yang berlaku di Kelantan malam tadi.

Sambutan tahun baru yang diadakan serentak bagi 1430 Hijriah dan 2009 Masihi dimulakan dengan solat Maghrib dan Isyak berjemaah di Dataran Stadium.

Dan selepas itu paluan gendang oleh pelbagai kaum dimulakan mewakili masyarakat Melayu, Cina dan India.

Agak menarik juga apabila tempat duduk penonton di dalam Stadium Sultan Mohammad Ke-IV diasingkan antara lelaki dan wanita serta keluarga.

Tema sambutan tahun ini iaitu 'Hijrah Dirai,Masehi Dinanti'.

Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerajaan Tempatan, Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan, Dato' Takiyuddin Hassan berkata, acara yang dipersembahkan berasas garis panduan yang ditetapkan kerajaan negeri mengikut Enakmen Kawalan Hiburan.Image

Katanya, penerapan unsur-unsur pendidikan dan hiburan alternatif bertujuan mengajak masyarakat terutama di kalangan muda mudi berhijrah kepada kebaikan.

"Program ini diharapkan menjadi satu pendedahan baru kepada umum agar tidak menjadikan program sambutan tahun baru sebagai tempat menyuburkan maksiat dan gejala tidak sihat.

"Diharap masyarakat akan terdidik dengan lebih baik, bebas dari unsur-unsur mungkar serta menjadi contoh kepada umat sejagat dan generasi akan datang," katanya.

Biar pun hujan lebat membasahi Kota Bharu yang bermula jam 7.30 malam, namun masih ramai datang menyaksikan program tersebut yang ternyata berlainan berbanding tempat lain.

Turut hadir Menteri Besar, Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, Timbalan Menteri Besar, Dato' Ahmad Yakob, Speaker Dun Kelantan, Ustaz Nassruddin Daud dan anggota-anggota Exco, wakil-wakil rakyat serta ketua-ketua jabatan kerajaan.

Tidak ketinggalan juga seramai 500 ahli Kelab Penyokong PAS dari beberapa negeri yang terdiri daripada kaum India hadir meraikan sambutan tersebut.

ImageProgram dimeriahkan lagi dengan perarakan 19 ekor kuda yang membawa piala Emas Raja-Raja diiringi 19 kereta klasik, 19 motosikal klasik dan 19 motosikal berkuasa tinggi.

"Angka 19 menggambarkan PAS telah mentadbir Kelantan selama 19 tahun bermula tahun 1990," kata Takiyuddin.

Wakil-wakil kaum iaitu, Cina, India dan Siam turut diberi peluang berucap. Kemudian Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz membaca doa selamat.

Penonton juga dipersembahkan hiburan yang dikendalikan Akill Hayy dan Farah Dibba. Selain itu dikir barat oleh Kumpulan Sri Budi dan Zul Wisma, manakala Rabbani menyampaikan lagu nasyid.

Deklamasi sajak oleh Hadi Muhammad dan adik Afifi turut menyentuh perasaan. Bacaan ikrar oleh sekumpulan remaja dan selawat mega bergema menjelang detik 12 malam.

Dan tepat jam 12 malam azan dilaungkan Akill Hayy dan diakhiri pertunjukkan bunga api. Image

Sementara itu, Pengerusi Kelab Penyokong PAS Johor, Logeswaran a/l Rahman berkata, beliau bersama rakan-rakan dari Selangor, Pahang, Melaka, Perak dan Pulau Pinang menyambut tahun baru di Kelantan.

"Kami sanggup datang ke Kota Bharu bagi meraikan tahun baru kerana kami beranggapan sambutan tahun baru di sini berlainan berbanding di negeri-negeri lain.

"Di sini kerajaan negeri memberi peluang kaum lain berucap di hadapan ribuan rakyat bagi menyampaikan mesej tahun baru," katanya. - mj _